Black Metal Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: GEHENNA “Funeral Embrace” Damn, I feel like my eardrums have just been attacked by a rabid pack of Dobermans! I have the GEHENNA record on repeat and... Sean ReveronFebruary 20, 2014
Film Take As Needed For Pain… 1998 EYEHATEGOD Full Set Now Showing! This is just too fucking sick: a full set of EYEHATEGOD from 1998! Get your fix on one of the gnarliest bands on the... Sean ReveronFebruary 20, 2014
Doom CVLT NationArtist to Artist Interview Orbweaver vs. Shroud Eater Orbweaver interviews Shroud Eater Explain the origin of the band’s name. Jean: “Shroud Eater” is a term for an ancient Eastern European ghoul that... MeghanFebruary 19, 2014
Art A Weapon Of Protest!…BLOODY MEAT TENT via Animal Andrea Hasler’s Matriarch references the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, a historic protest in which 30,000 women gathered at a British air... Sean ReveronFebruary 19, 2014
Death Metal Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: Shroud of the Heretic “Chaotic Astral Ascension” + Review Shroud of the Heretic – Revelations in Alchemy LP Label: Blood Harvest Just to get this out of the way: if you’re looking for... MitchellFebruary 19, 2014
Art May The Force Be With Us… Vintage STAR WARS Posters Galore! When did I realize that human beings could go crazy for a film? When the first Star Wars movie hit the street in 1977.... Sean ReveronFebruary 19, 2014