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Search results for "EYEHATEGOD"

Black Metal

Seven Sisters of Sleep have earned and deserved every second of their triumphant ascension to the heavens of prime-cut US sludge metal. Now presenting...

Avant Garde

Six – UFOMAMMUT – Eecate 1999 seems like millennia ago. That was the year the “space mammoth” was conceived in the quiet hill town of Tortona,...


SIX – MIZMOR/DROSS In this joint effort, Mizmor delights us with “IX – Crestfallen Usurper,” a fifteen-minute black-doom colossus that will devour your dreams and melt...


Imagine if Flipper had sex with EYEHATEGOD – their hell spawn would most likely sound like KILSLUG. These MA dirge punks were spiting out...


As I explained in the first installment of our exploration of wonderfully wicked world of drugs, these are not the views or beliefs of...


So the big question, which I might as well get out of the way, is this; What prompted you guys to re-unite yet again...

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