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This is the first thing I’m writing after my Mom died at 1 AM on Sept. 19th. Somewhere around 8 or 9 pm the...


Last summer we caught ENUMCLAW on an impossibly stacked lineup at our favorite Vancouver venue, Antisocial Skate Shop. Their earnest, Dinosaur Jr.-esque indie grunge...


The year was 1992 and the world was not ready for what was about to happen, because we had never heard anything like the...


General Speech Records is one of the most prolific and quality labels going, releasing both modern punk rippers and reissued classics that would otherwise...


At the beginning of the year, we published an article by our writer Gareth Watkins entitled “Anarchists vs. ISIS: The Revolution in Syria Nobody’s Talking...


“Feeling happy in my pain/ Icicles within my Brain…cocaine.” We move on in our exploration of drugs with the magic powder that helped create...

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