Within the vast world of D.I.Y. film exists Dark Prism, a surreal horror-satire created by the multi-talented director and artist Dylan Greenberg in 2015, when she...
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What is Oi Wave, you may ask? It’s a synth-heavy dance party with aggressive gang vocals, a romantic atmosphere crashed by fists and leather....
On September 14th, 1985, I was a 5 year old with no clue who Metallica was. I had no delinquent, thrasher older brother or sister...
We’ve spent decades building robots to replace the parts of existence we think are inconvenient or unfulfilling, but if history should have taught us...
Everyone was likely waiting to hear what Nekus‘ followup to last year’s massive debut 2LP Sepulchral Divination was gonna sound like. Well, the wait...
Within the vast world of D.I.Y. film exists Dark Prism, a surreal horror-satire created by the multi-talented director and artist Dylan Greenberg in 2015, when she...
Footpaths‘ music is like a lonesome descent. Like the slipping away of hope and the tasting on your lips of the second it leaves your...
Doom comes in many sonic shapes and forms, which is why I can never get enough. I love to hear when bands push themselves...
Jon Edifice is one of the most talented unknown humans creating Post-Punk right now. Not very much is known about him – which is...
Photographer Emily Harris has crossed over into a more more expansive medium of film to delve deeper into heavy metal subculture. Her studies first...