Splits often function as stop-gaps between longer releases, keeping fans engaged in the midst of an increasingly content-saturated culture where attention is a precious...
Atomic Action Records, headquartered in Rhode Island and run by Brian Simmons since the 80s, released three of 2019’s most lauded and most hard-hitting...
Back in 2015 Canadian harsh noise label Aught/Void released on cassette one of the most lightless and incinerating powerviolence/noisegrind releases ever conceived. A self-titled...
Though Travølta’s new release In Tinnitus We Crust will have any die-hard fan of d-beat, crust, fastcore, grindcore, and powerviolence drumming their steering wheel...
Cover Photo: Jena Pups PPOOWWEERRVVIIOOLLEENNCCEE by Escuela Grind In 1919, 12,000 tons of molasses from a burst storage tank flooded the streets of Boston,...