Music summoning all headbangers!!! Blast GRAVEDÄNCER “Unholy Bond” Now! HELL FUCKING YES! I got to say it again, HELL FUCKING YES! The new Gravedäncer record Unholy Bond is a nonstop Heavy Metal party!... Sean ReveronSeptember 15, 2021
EBM Fight oppression and Destroy corruption! Watch The CRIMENTAL visual “Conmoción Interior” I stand for music as a weapon of change! Columbia’s Crimental has something to say about the injustices they see happening in their country.... Sean ReveronSeptember 14, 2021
Uncategorized hypnotic mix Death Rock Meets distorted trap beats! Listen to NON SERVIAM “I Will Kill You” I have a question for y’all…How can Non Serviam get any better? The answer is this band is limitless when it comes to creating... Sean ReveronSeptember 14, 2021
Music For Punks that like to FUCK! Blast SESSO VIOLENTOs “Mondo Perverso” NOW Sesso Violento has been one of our go-to bands since we started our site 10 years ago! Every record might be different but always... Sean ReveronSeptember 14, 2021
Features raw distorted unhinged Hardcore Punk! KOMA’s Interview + Live Set Interview by Sam Wood from Infinite Regression zine (IG @infiniteregressionzine) First off, briefly describe how you all got involved in punk, I know you’ve all... Sean ReveronSeptember 10, 2021
Death Rock Spitting on The CROSS! Experience The Death Rock-Hardcore of FINAL GASP’s “Haunting Whisper” I’ve got to get straight to the point: FINAL GASP’s Haunting Whisper is the Fucking BOMB. That being said, this record worships at the... Sean ReveronSeptember 10, 2021