Black Death Fretless Bestial Ritual War Machine: DIABOLIC OATH Track Unveil and West Coast Dates with Succumb! Portland’s fretless bestial ritual war machine DIABOLIC OATH is about to return with an aural war of unprecedented traits, first with a West Coast... CerberoApril 12, 2022
Music CVLT Nation’s Top 10 DEATH METAL Albums of 2021 #10 200 STAB WOUNDS Slave to the Scalpel A lot of people will immediately remark on how old-school this album is, harkening back to... MeghanDecember 15, 2021
Death Metal cavernous death metal with primitive elegance! SUCCUMB Track-By-Track Breakdown Of XXI SUCCUMB IG FB 1. Lilim XXI by Succumb Lilim was written with the express purpose of being an opener that sets the tone right... Sean ReveronSeptember 24, 2021
Avant Garde Album Review: Succumb – Succumb Modern death metal, emo screaming, plain good ol death metal – whatchamacallit your thing? Good music is Good music. Occasionally blasting, breaking down to... Al NecroJuly 27, 2017