Black Metal Coalescing Disgust: THE BODY & KRIEG Collaboration Review + Stream At this point, I won’t even try to guess who The Body will collaborate with next – their network of influences, friends and inspirations... CerberoDecember 15, 2015
Avant Garde Screams from the Gutter Vol. XIV: Everything Great That You Missed in 2015 This episode of Screams from the Gutter will be a bit different, and will be the crowning episode of the series in 2015. This list... CerberoDecember 14, 2015
Black Metal Screams from the Gutter Vol. XII: Pain Cleanses Everything As 2015 winds down to its final moments, we present you with a handful of releases from 2015 which you won’t see on any... CerberoDecember 10, 2015
Black Metal Terror Marches On: DRAGGED INTO SUNLIGHT & GNAW THEIR TONGUES Collaboration Review + Stream What you thought would only materialize in your worst nightmares, or in the minds of the most demented and off the rails sociopaths, has... CerberoNovember 24, 2015
Doom Fórn – Weltschmerz Album Review Listening back to Fórn’s debut, self-titled EP, it was pleasantly surprising to see a band that could encompass so well all the different aspects... SpyrosNovember 11, 2015
Doom Stoned to Death: SPACE BONG – Deadwood to Worms Review + Stream When you run into a “stoner” metal band called Space Bong, you feel like you already know the entire plot without even opening the... CerberoOctober 30, 2015