Nino Pedone is an intriguing experimental electronic artist, terrorizing the scene under the Shapednoise moniker. Having recently released a devastating EP in Deafening Chaos Serenity, we discuss...
Portland is home to several different postpunk/darkwave bands of varying styles, many of which end up getting overshadowed by one another. Murderbait is an...
Now returned from an action-packed two week tour across Europe to promote their new Deviances album, deathrock band Virgin In Veil took the time to discuss their music...
Deathrock icon Razor Candi is at long last releasing a high-quality photo book to showcase her work after 13 years of professional online modeling. Razor Candi’s...
NAILS is a powerviolence, hardcore, grindcore, sludge, heavy music powerhouse from California. I had the pleasure of doing a phone interview with Todd, their...