Before internet porn ruled the world, the idea of a Fifty Shades of Grey wasn’t so sensational. That’s because there was a ton of porn literature being churned out – maybe not bestseller status literature, but it was a lot freakier than the BDSM the masses have gone apeshit for. During the 1960s and 1970s, Satan Press was a division of Consolidated Publishing, Inc. which put out sadomasochism and bondage-themed books, along with others that explored subjects like teen prostitution, rape, and incest. Titles include Roped & Raped Teen, She Loves Her Shackles, The Incestuous Uncle, Kidnapped Cousins…there’s even one called Flogging the Foster Child…talk about exploring your darkest, creepiest fantasies! The covers often featured a nice silhouette of the Devil himself, with an explicit pornographic photo lovingly framed by his horned, bearded head. You know what’s up just by looking at the cover, there are no shades of grey here, just black and blue. I haven’t personally read any of these, but you can still buy used copies here. I am just fascinated by the covers, and the clear association of sex with deviant and anti-Christian behavior; not surprising, since the Satan Press books were published by a company based in Anniston, AL – a city ranked as the most “Bible-minded” city in America for 2015 by the American Bible Society. Either things have changed, or Satan Press is yet another great example of the hypocrisy of capitalist Christianity – God condemns sex unless you’re making money off it. But since I’m assuming you’re not so pure, enjoy this gallery of Satan Press covers!