Film Two weirdly lovable stop-motion flicks Stop-motion is a very efficient way to make any movie creepy, mostly due to the fact that you are often dealing with strange old... TomNovember 26, 2014
Avant Garde Nightmarish Beauty: Mamiffer – “Statu Nascendi” Review + Stream This album made me sink. I hit play and it immediately drugged and sedated me. It’s like a constant flow of morphine, endorphin and... CerberoNovember 26, 2014
Featured CVLT Nation Video Premiere: DREADLORDS “Alone” Unhinged, Primitive, Rural, Mayhem, Magic, Conviction and Whiskey are some of the words that come to my mind as I listen to the new... Sean ReveronNovember 26, 2014
Featured So Rad So DIY Punk… 6 Episodes of CRUEL NOISE Radio Streaming Now! What time is it? It’s time to share with you 6 episodes of our favorite punk podcast CRUEL NOISE Radio. John Villegas of Druglust... Sean ReveronNovember 26, 2014
Death Metal Raw Primitive Death Metal : Gath Smane – Transmuted Marrow Label: BLUTIGE MAGIE If you paid close attention to Maryland Deathfest this year, you would have noticed that part of the incredible setlist with Incantation,... Al NecroNovember 26, 2014
Documentaries Criminals, Death & Decay: The Secrets of the Body Farm Documentary Now Showing Check out this morbid National Geographic documentary called the Secrets of the Body Farm…If you are a fan of murder, the mysterious and decaying... Sean ReveronNovember 26, 2014