EBM 50% Blissed-Out ShoeGaze + 50% Drum & Bass Energy = 100% RAD! FOREVER ☆’s “3 Series” If I had to pick one release that has pushed my wig back this month, it would be Kansas City’s forever ☆‘s tape 3... Sean ReveronSeptember 1, 2023
Music Videos Enter the Trip Hop Visual that is Public Memory’s “Cruel” Hey, Public Memory I want to say thank you for releasing a new album today! I need your music in my life in a major... Sean ReveronSeptember 1, 2023
Art Murder Perversion Monsters Sodomy! Yōkai: Supernatural Japanese Monster Art via Lazerhorse Yōkai are a group of supernatural Japanese monsters, kind of similar to our notion of ghosts. The kanji (or symbol) that describes... Sean ReveronSeptember 1, 2023
Post-Punk Soar High on the Post Punk of FOTOCRIME’s ‘Accelerated’ LP If you are a reader of CVLT Nation, then you know the past few days have been really hard on me due to the... Sean ReveronAugust 31, 2023
Features Enter the Dark Esoteric Grindcore of EGREGORE ‘Synchronistic Delusions’ Word is that Utah-based one-man dark grindcore alchemist EGREGORE (antecedent to and not to be confused with the Canadian black metal band) had its... CerberoAugust 31, 2023
Music Videos Strike a Pose to the Synth-Laden Post-Punk of OPTIC SINK “Modelesque” Official Video If you can listen to the undulating synths and addictive beats of OPTIC SINK without dancing then you must be a mannequin. Because I... MeghanAugust 31, 2023