Edmonton, Alberta, Canada—home of Revenge, Antediluvian, Weapon, Rites of Thy Degringolade, Begrime Exemious, Sacramentary Abolishment, Axis of Advance, and now…. Prophetic Suffering. The mysterious debuting bestial death metal horde humiliates reality with their debut demo tape Demonstration MMXXII, falling precisely within the coordinates of what their hometown has typically nourished over the years, but it doesn’t end there, there is more… Press play on the player below and read on.
The band offers up an obfuscating and ultra-violent strain of dark death metal that acts almost as a horrifying dissociative medium. The intensity and violence that dominates these four songs and meager twelve minutes of bedlam are such that the listener is disoriented into a traumatizing maze of terror. The ruin and destruction pour from all sides in overbearing quantities making you feel encircled, trapped, and with no escape. An onslaught of animalistic chaotic riffs hails down like shellfire, while a grim shroud of negative atmospheres emanates from the mayhem following the instruments like a shadow or like a death-bearing fog. While the riffs are “blackened” and the black metal influences are evident, it is however the band’s death metal influences that dominate the canvas, particularly those from USDM, think Deicide, and darker USDM like Angelcorpse, Immolation, or Pissgrave. Side note: Timothy Grieco of Antediluvian, Black Death Cult, and Revenge mixed and mastered the work, so another queue to its character and antihuman sound can be found therein.

All in all, Demonstration MMXXII is a dominant debut, a short but effective introduction to the band’s skill and perverse intentions which adheres perfectly to the reputation of their scene while also introducing new elements and perspectives to it. It will be very intriguing to see what they come up with next, and particularly, what a full-length offering of material in this vein could bring to the table. Possibly something in realms of absolute and inescapable sonic armageddon.
In the meantime, grab Demonstration MMXXII demo tapes and digital products from Sentient Ruin.