Everyone was likely waiting to hear what Nekus‘ followup to last year’s massive debut 2LP Sepulchral Divination was gonna sound like. Well, the wait...
What does the new Abandoncy album Assailable​/​/​Agonism sound like to me? It sounds like one huge abstract can of sonic awesomeness! Okay, imagine if...
Anyone who appreciates Demented Audio Torment is going to go ape shit for the new release from YPOKOSMOS. Iron Bonehead Productions will be unleashing...
Anyone who appreciates some raw, scathing black metal is going to fiend for the new release from Necandi Homines. Third I Rex and Toten Schwan will be...
Let’s all get witchy with some spell-binding doom  from The Hazytones! Ripple Music will be unleashing their new LP Monarchs of Oblivion on Oct. 5th, and...