History Viva Glam! MICHAEL JAMES O’BRIEN’s “Girlfriend” – Portraits of 90s NYC Drag I will never forget the first time I saw MAC’s 1994 Viva Glam campaign, because someone told me they’d used a drag queen for... Meghan18 hours ago
Bizarre These Really BAD TATTOOS Will Haunt You I know some people deliberately get bad tattoos. They’re like, you know what would be awesome and make my life better? Tattooing a baby... Meghan2 days ago
Cvlture Terrifying Encounters With ‘The Black Eyed Kids’ Â via Creep Catalog The black eyed kids are a folk phenomenon of people having strange encounters with kids whose eyes are entirely black, who... Sean ReveronOctober 28, 2015
Art Blood-Drenched Religious Festival Sees Boys Slice Themselves With Machetes via Express UK The holy Day of Ashura festival sees millions of Muslim men and boys around the world take part in the dramatic... Sean ReveronOctober 27, 2015
Art The Art of America’s Most Controversial Children’s Books…Illustrations by Stephen Gammell So the word on the street is that the series of children’s books called Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz is the... Sean ReveronOctober 26, 2015
Art CVLT Nation’s Favorite Instagram @Cold__Meat It’s very interesting how people have had the vision to flip the script and use instagram as an instrument of self expression. I have... Sean ReveronOctober 26, 2015
Art Portraits of…80’s Heavy Metal Culture Growing up in the 80’s SoCal hardcore scene meant that you hated metal heads, and until the mid 80’s, that is exactly what we... Sean ReveronOctober 23, 2015
Art Legendary Ghost Photography – Real or Fake? Story via Thought  Catalog 1. THE SPECTER OF NEWBY CHURCH Snapped in 1963 at the Newby Church in Yorkshire, England, this photo appears to... Sean ReveronOctober 21, 2015