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Being a parent with macabre interests, it stuns me how sanitized a version of reality we share with our kids today. For example, my...


30 years ago, my biggest addiction was collecting comics. I was a total fiend and with all of my extra money, I head to...


When did I first see the art of Alfonso Azpiri? Most likely it was on late-night TV while I was watching Night Flight, my gateway...

Graphic Design

ANTHONY ESLICK is someone who makes cataclysmic, heavy music and luminous, psychedelic art. We first came across his work covering his band Rabbit, and...


Joerggum is a German artist who creates striking portraits of rubber, PVC, and leather-clad dominant women in a BDSM context. The women in his works...


Ero Guro? What’s that shit, you say? Well, it’s an art that combines erotica (not pornography, just erotica) with elements of macabre and grotesque, which...

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