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Death Metal

Blackened Discordant Death Metal!
Ululant – Imbriferous Review + Stream

Tell you what, I have no idea who Ululant are, or where they are from, but I’m glad to see that the underground is spawning bands like this in some murky corners of the world. What do they sound like? Try Incantation meets Portal, or Swallowed meets Malthusian. At any rate, the four songs on their Imbriferous demo are impossible to put into any one particular category, except for that of a category five tornado of miasmal vapor. This band plays stinky blackened discordant death metal with a flair for Church bells. Pigeon-hole that, meatheads!

They do love their Church bells, tolling for widespread human disaster, the death toll being somewhere in the hundreds. Oh, the tintinnabulation of the bells! Perfect for the pagan holiday season! Don’t make faces at me, kvlt brethren, if you don’t like the sound of that. The bells rule, and without them there are really only two tracks of material here worth worshiping the devil to. Now, let’s not be a bunch of deluded ignoramuses by saying we worship the devil simply by listening to Ululant. Thing is, this music is for tar pits, not fiery chambers in the underworld.

Seriously, kvlt warriors, Al fucking Necro digs this kinda stuff landing on his to-do list. If you say Swallowed, I say I don’t think so, but Ululant have some of Swallowed’s stenchy, discordant riffs that drag you down into sandtraps full of hungry maggots. Say Malthusian, and I’ll probably disgree with you too, as Malthusian like to wield the riffs like they’re wrecking balls. Ululant may play fast, but they have an Incantation-sounding vibe that merges with Portal-style riffs that sound like their guitarist just rehabbed from a mental institution. Don’t believe me? Check them out on Bandcamp, and decide for yourselves.


The playing is tight and there aren’t as many doom passages as there are on Incantation albums. That sounds mighty fine, as the riffs slow down and rely on a distinct distaste for melody to submerge listeners in sewage tanks outside of public rest areas. The drumming ain’t fancy, but drum solos ain’t gonna be found here, so tell Dave Lombardo to stick with his solo albums.

Ululant wrote all the music and produced it. Sounds like they want to tantalize us with a future full-length. I say go to the forums and ask a label or two to fund the filth-fest. Let them do an album’s worth of this worm-infested corpse to serenade us with. We’ll all come to the listening booth like it’s a beggars’ banquet. So, come on, feast on this fuckers!

Written By

Provocateur/Connoiseur of all things dark and grisly. Published author and freelance editor addicted to underground metal of the highest order! Al Necro lives and writes in Manila, Philippines. Abandon hope, all ye who read Al Necro!

Sentient 51423

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