The CHAOS RAIDS U.S.A. Tour in is full effect, and tonight 1349, TOMBS and FULL OF HELL will be bringing their wrath to NYC! Since Tombs are in home territory, we wanted to share the second Chaos Raids USA Mixtape with you, a collection of their favourite tunes while on the road. So listen below and if you are in the NYC area get your ass over to St. Vitus Bar in Brooklyn to see these three rad bands!
Chaos Raids USA Mixtape II TOMBS:
Mike Hill:
Celtic Frost, “Cherry Orchards”
Fields of the Nephilim, “For Her Light”
Benjamin Brand:
Craft, “I Want to Commit Murder”
Brainbombs, “I.N.R.I.”
Void Vision, “To The Sea”
Charlie Schmid:
Kiss, “Heaven’s On Fire”
Sisters of Mercy, “Vision Thing”
Ratt, “Shame Shame Shame”
Evan Void:
Sorcier Des Glaces, “The Frozen Sword of Midnight”
Bohren & Der Club of Gore, “On Demon Wings”
Tame Impala, “Let it Happen”
Fade Kainer:
Haus Arafna, “Heart Beats Blood Flows”
Trepaneringsritualen, “All Hail The Black Flame”