Dis-beat The Nightmare is Real: I WANNA DIE – Ne Me Quitte Pas Review + Stream Hey hey, guess what? Our good buds and notorious Bay Area Punk Rock degenerates I WANNA DIE have released a new EP called Ne Me... CerberoFebruary 2, 2016
80s Hardcore No Hope: I WANNA DIE – Self Titled Demo Review + Stream I WANNA DIE are a new hardcore punk band from Oakland, California – notoriously the home of all things filthy, violent and fucked when... CerberoJanuary 12, 2015
CVLT Nation Sessions MISFITS Earth A.D. The CVLT Nation Sessions CVLT Nation is proud to present the third covers compilation in our series The CVLT Nation Sessions: MISFITS‘ seminal album Earth A.D.. This rad... MeghanMay 1, 2014