Black Metal Three Punches to the Gut by TLAL: Debut LPs by Joy, Ugly, and Pig City Will Butler, the man behind To Live A Lie Records, has a special ear. TLAL’s release history is populated with essential hardcore, fastcore, grindcore,... EvanMCNovember 12, 2019
Crust A Lie Worth Living: An Interview with Will Butler of To Live A Lie Records For the past fifteen years, To Live A Lie has been one of the most influential labels focusing on grindcore, fastcore, and powerviolence. Based... EvanMCNovember 7, 2019
Featured CVLT Nation Captures DESERT DWELLER FEST Day One Photos: Pablo Vigueras If you haven’t been paying attention to Arizona hardcore, then you’re fuckin’ up. That’s putting a not too fine a point on... BruceOctober 3, 2017