Music Videos The Shits Hate Pigs and So Do We! Hear the Grinding Garage Punk of THE SHITS “Waiting” What do you get when you take garage rock and throw it in a blender full of barbed wire and let it spin until... MeghanFebruary 21, 2023
Hardcore Feel the Skull-Crushing Sludgecore Sledgehammer of GRUB NAP “Closerer” If music could take physical form, arm itself with a sonic sledgehammer, and crush a cop’s skull, that’s exactly what GRUB NAP‘s new single... MeghanFebruary 15, 2023
Music Videos Walking On Your Hands…RED LORRY YELLOW LORRY Video Retrospective Non-stop beats, voices that could make a ghost dance, who goes there? Red Lorry Yellow Lorry! This Leeds Positive Punk band created dark, catchy... Sean ReveronFebruary 2, 2023
Film Feel the Post-Rock Catharsis of HUNDRED YEAR OLD MAN “Livyatan” Waiting patiently for death. Those are the lines that stand out to me on Hundred Year Old Man‘s single “Livyatan” that we’re sharing with... MeghanMay 17, 2022
Features raw distorted unhinged Hardcore Punk! KOMA’s Interview + Live Set Interview by Sam Wood from Infinite Regression zine (IG @infiniteregressionzine) First off, briefly describe how you all got involved in punk, I know you’ve all... Sean ReveronSeptember 10, 2021
Grindcore ONA SNOP blasts through 2020’s intermittent Damnation By now, you’re all probably exhausted by the constant devolving of the human race as we glide forward into global uncertainty. Without the release... DylanDecember 14, 2020