Death Rock CVLT Nation Presents: Wil’s Halloween Playlist Why go another Halloween with “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”? It’s a great song, no question, but they were even playing that in the store you... Wil CiferOctober 30, 2015
Film Have a Horrific Halloween! Six Horror Films for All Hallow’s Eve In the spirit of my favorite holiday, I thought I’d troll through our film archives to find a selection of movies that might spice... MeghanOctober 31, 2014
Doom Phantasm… Bog Oak Free Halloween Download! The evil and ethereal BOG OAK have a special treat for you today – a brand new free track up for download! They’ve reinterpreted... MeghanOctober 31, 2014
Bizarre Jesus Fucking Christ… Offensive Halloween Costumes! Every Halloween, someone has a bright idea that they just have to make the whole world uncomfortable with their costume. Don’t get me wrong,... MeghanOctober 9, 2014