Art Through the Lens of Isolation: Teddie Taylor Teddie Taylor’s IG and Website. How old were you when you first picked up a camera? I took photos on and off throughout my... Sean ReveronJune 25, 2021
Bizarre Watch 4 Extremely Disturbing Interviews With Serial Killers I can’t front – I have a fascination with serial killers. That being said, these interviews creep me the fuck out because they give... Sean ReveronJune 25, 2021
Dis-beat Listen to the aggressive relentless Punk of PORVENIR OSCURO LP ‘Asquerosa Humanidad’ Full Stream Stop whatever you are doing and tap into the new PORVENIR OSCURO LP Asquerosa Humanidad because it’s beyond ballistic! Every song on this record... Sean ReveronJune 24, 2021
Art Witness the Hardcore Mayhem of REAL BAY SHIT! Feat. SCOWL-GULCH-SUNAMI-DRAIN & XIBALBA Straight up, the Bay Area has been bringing that REAL SHIT for decades and nothing has changed in 2021. As we all know, that... Sean ReveronJune 24, 2021
Dark Folk Hear the Psychedelic Lullaby That is JAKOB BATTICK “Slow Motion Heavy Syrup” Sometimes reality is hard to cope with. I used to use alcohol to take me out of it. It was a quick and easy—albeit... MeghanJune 24, 2021
Doom The Lush Hues Of KING WOMAN ‘Celestial Blues’ Some music hangs heavy with the burden of being a catalyst for catharsis. Bands that deal in doom often rely on the space between... Davey FerchowJune 24, 2021