Featured Hear this Exclusive Track Premiere from PRIMITIVE KNOT Earlier this year, I found this insanely awesome band called PRIMITIVE KNOT – and from the minute I pressed play my mind was blown! Since... Sean ReveronNovember 27, 2018
Avant Garde Wrenched Sounds! Streaming 3 New FALLOW FIELDS Lesion Tapes! My mind is in pain and my soul is numb, so I turn to the wretched sounds of the new FALLOW FIELDS recordings for... Sean ReveronOctober 26, 2017
Featured 666% Dirty Black Metal: Premiere Streaming Blot & Bod Ligæder If you are an avid reader of CVLT Nation, then you know we like our Black Metal dirty, grimy, and with Punk black eyes,... Sean ReveronOctober 18, 2017