SIX – PHOBONOID S/t No newbie to CVLT Nation, you may already know about the one man space-worshiping industrial blackened doom metal project PHOBONOID – a project birthed and...
SIX – HOWLS OF EBB Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows This recluse but extremely prolific San Francisco progressive black/death duo has returned once again with what is...
Ohyda is a dark hardcore punk band from Lublin, Poland, featuring ex-members of Alert! Alert!. Having formed in early 2015 shortly after the previous...
Remember Tutti I Colori Del Buio? The Italian blackened hardcore bruisers released a pulverizing debut demo in 2013 which blew our minds. Fast forward...
The current political climate is a polarizing one, to put it simply. All over the internet, self-proclaimed “punks” are spouting off rhetoric that mirrors...
North American punx, get ready to rage – Bay Area blackened doomy crust heathens Negative Standards are coming to a punk house near you to shatter your existence...