Bizarre How to Die Well: Creative Caskets Not everyone wants to be interred in a gilt mahogany box, left to seep into the satin lining and serve no useful purpose for... MeghanOctober 3, 2024
Bizarre Prevents Unlawful Resurrections! 19th Century Metal Coffins In the 19th century, death was a big event. From post-mortem photography to memento mori jewelry to the year spent mourning the dead, they... MeghanJune 30, 2023
Bizarre Prevents Unlawful Resurrections! 19th Century Metal Coffins In the 19th century, death was a big event. From post-mortem photography to memento mori jewelry to the year spent mourning the dead, they... MeghanApril 10, 2020
Music Top DEATH DOOM Records of 2019 DEATH DOOM combines two of our favorite genres so it makes sense that we dig it so much! Come along with us and celebrate... MeghanDecember 18, 2019
Art Dark Art of Wailing Wizard with the Rich Dark sounds of Cultic I am always craving to discover something dark that affects me emotionally. I am always looking for a sound that has a vibe that... Paul FolkFebruary 12, 2018
Black Metal The Countdown Is On For The FAMINE FEST! Unholy awesome, it’s about to really fucking go down in Portland at this year’s Famine Fest. All of the raging fun starts on Feb. 19th... Sean ReveronFebruary 15, 2016