Black Metal Fólkvangr Records An interview with 2017’s best new label 2017 was a great year for metal. I don’t think I could settle on a personal favorite release or even settle on what label... GusJanuary 26, 2018
Black Metal CVLT NATION’S TOP 13 BLACK METAL RELEASES OF 2017 THIRTEEN – DAWN RAY’D The Unlawful Assembly This is not your standard black metal album, and while the band does play homage to the... MeghanDecember 22, 2017
Black Metal Unholy Fuck An Intense Label Feature: Fallen Empire Records Part I Fallen Empire Records is one of my favorite labels. They had a slew of releases this 2017, usually shorter in length to render portable... Al NecroDecember 14, 2017
Black Metal CVLT Nation Interviews Alex Poole (Skáphe/Chaos Moon) What strikes me about Chaos Moon is how you have embraced melody but paint over it with harsher sounds; as opposed to Skáphe, where... MeghanDecember 5, 2017
Black Metal Full Album Stream: CHAOS MOON ‘Eschaton Mémoire’ Haunting melodies meet scathing riffs and blastbeats in the new release from Philadelphia’s Chaos Moon entitled Eschaton Mémoire. This is a violently beautiful album, sounds that... MeghanNovember 14, 2017