Tattoo The Fascinating World of SUBDERMAL IMPLANTS The human body really is an amazing thing. The way that we regenerate may not be as impressive as an amphibian bringing back a... Meghan6 days ago
Art Scars At Their Finest… Extreme Examples of Scarification I’m fascinated by all forms of body modification, but one that I find the most beautiful is scarification. I’m drawn by the transformation it... Sean ReveronMay 22, 2024
Bizarre Enter the Alien World of Subdermal Implants Today I dove into the world of cosmetic subdermal implants. While I’m fascinated by body modification, something about seeing sharply raised shapes emerging from... MeghanFebruary 28, 2024
Art The Godfather of Modern Body Modification: FAKIR MUSAFAR Roland Loomis was raised a Lutheran. In 1944, at age 14, he pierced his own penis. In 2021, piercing your penis is considered extreme.... MeghanFebruary 22, 2023
Art EXTREME BODY MODS and the People Who Love Them Pt.2 I write this with no judgement at all, because who am I to judge? I remember the first time I saw the Modern Primitive... Sean ReveronMay 8, 2018
Art Extreme Body Mods and The People that Love Them Humans have been modifying their bodies since the beginning of time. I am all for free expression, and for not judging people for what... Sean ReveronMarch 21, 2018