Avant Garde The Wicca Phase is Now: CVLT Nation Interviews Wicca Phase Springs Eternal While you may associate enchantment with the occult and a preference for social isolation with extreme metal, alternative hip-hop’s Wicca Phase Springs Eternal suggests... JennaMarch 26, 2018
Avant Garde Premiering MIDAS FALL “Soveraine” Scottish duo MIDAS FALL make melancholy gothic melodies that are the perfect counterpart to the raging intensity of the music we usually listen to... MeghanFebruary 21, 2018
Black Metal Ash Borer – The Irrepassable Gate Review – Preview – Footage This absence was strongly felt. Ash Borer, one of the leading black metal bands of the US scene, were keeping extremely active since 2013,... SpyrosNovember 9, 2016
Black Metal Blackened Cruelty…Spire – Entropy Review + Stream There is a certain stagnancy that has attached itself to modern black metal. I’m not sure if it is due to the pure magnitude... Matt LandrumOctober 21, 2016
Black Metal Album Review: Verwoed’s “Bodemloos” It seems that the Dutch have done it again. One man mastermind VERWOED seems to have struck gold with Bodemloos – 3 tracks of blistering,... Matt LandrumAugust 19, 2016
Avant Garde ALKERDEEL Lede Review + Stream It’s 2016, and atmospheric black metal bands are a dime a dozen. Any willing individual has the means to recycle a Cascadian riff, edit... Sam H.S.April 18, 2016