80s Hardcore My War!!! BLACK FLAG Full Set at The Stone 1984 1984 was a fucking year to remember! One of my all-time favorite bands released three albums in one year, and played a crazy amount... Sean ReveronAugust 29, 2017
80s Hardcore When the Punks Go Marching In…ABRASIVE WHEELS 1984 Full Set Spiked Hair, Painted Leather Jackets, Doc Martens and ABRASIVE WHEELS all went together in my mind when I was a youngster! Their debut When the... Sean ReveronJanuary 13, 2016
Death Rock Horse Nation! THE CULT 1984 Live @ Lyceum Now Showing! So much good music came out in 1984 it was hard to keep track of it all. One record that touched my life maybe... Sean ReveronFebruary 25, 2015
Featured Sex Beat! 1984 GUN CLUB Live In Spain Sleazy streets, broken beer bottles, street lights shining on shattered Hollywood dreams…a place where American ghouls lurk. Out of the shady side of this... Sean ReveronDecember 8, 2014
Featured I Put A Spell On You! NICK CAVE & THE CAVEMEN 1984 Gig Now Showing Who is one of the raddest frontmen in rock & roll history? In my book, NICK CAVE is, hands down! He has always made... Sean ReveronOctober 28, 2014