Black Metal CVLT Nation’s Top 10 BLACK METAL Albums of 2022 #10 NECROPOLISSEBEHT TTCCCLXXX WTF WTF NECROPOLISSEBEHT TTCCCLXXX is a whirlwind of PURE HATE! Imagine your brain is plugged into a vortex of chaotic audio filth.... Sean ReveronDecember 16, 2022
Black Metal ꙂꙨѮŮӜŮѮꙨꙂ is The most vile band you will hear this week! ꙂꙨѮŮӜŮѮꙨꙂ has created a record that sounds full of sonic horror. The songs you will encounter on ŶᾦϚӾѺᾦѺӾϚᾦŶ will lurch their way into your... Sean ReveronJanuary 13, 2022