Ohio’s Child Of Night returns with another EP ov gothic and dark synth driven songs called ‘What Remains’. This is a killer, building on their previous EP’s. Dark and dense and driving its a great slab ov synthy post punk. Stream below…
The EP is being released by a host ov labels around the world. Blackverb in Germany HERE, Altarpiece in the USA HERE, Discosomething in Russia HERE, and Fundamental Illness down in Australia HERE.
Catch Child Of Night on tour with Sacramence at the end of August
8.24 Richmond, Va Gallery 5
8.25 Brooklyn, Ny Hart Bar
8.26 Baltimore, Md The Crown
8.27 Pittsburgh, Pa Nettle Nest
8.28 Cleveland, Oh Now That’s Class
8.29 Chicago, Il 448 W. 31st St
8.30 Detroit, Mi Outer Limits
8.31 Columbus, Oh Ruby Tuesday
9.01 Washington DC, Studio Gaga