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Death Metal

666% Awesome Death Metal! Experience PURULENCY’s “Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions”

Crush, Kill, Destroy All Weak Hearts, and Uplift the world in the glory of Death Metal! As I watch the world spin on its axis of lies and Zionist Racism, the sounds of PURULENCY’s Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions are setting my mind right! Unholy Hell fucking YES, Caligari Records has done it again by releasing this sick fucking tape by this filthy band. All of the songs on this record will lurch into your eardrums where they will lay the eggs of sonic maggots that will infest your whole being! Death hymns like “Xenolith of Ruination” will grab you by your eyelids and shoot putrid riffs into your bloodstream! What I love about Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions is the atmosphere that PURULENCY creates because it gives me the mental space I need to daydream about the demise of the human that wants to destroy POC. This band has manifested a collection of Death Metal songs that will make any underground fan happy that they’re not dead!

Written By

Sentient 51423

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