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Search results for "Non Serviam"


I remember when Smashing Pumpkins released “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” and my friends and I would get stoned and play vampires in the woods...

Avant Garde

Are you free? Are free to express yourself? Are you not to be bound to what society thinks is normal? NON SERVIAM is free...

Avant Garde

Non Serviam is a project that has been blowing us away with their creativity since they first contacted us. Every time we think they’ve...


I have a question for y’all…How can Non Serviam get any better? The answer is this band is limitless when it comes to creating...

Avant Garde

If you are an avid reader of CVLT Nation then you know that we are HUGE fans of NON SERVIAM! One of the main...

Avant Garde

Non Serviam is by far one of the most original bands creating music right now. Could anyone or anything put this band’s sound into a...

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