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Search results for "EYEHATEGOD"

Black Metal

Today I read some pretty insane news that a bacterium resistant to the strongest antibiotics has been found in a woman from Pennsylvania, making...


Chicago’s Rectal Hygienics is the shit (no pun intended) and I fucking dig their damaged, filthy, art rock take on sludge! Check out what I...


In 2012, I was at a festival called Sound and Fury in Santa Barbara, California, shooting the shit with my friends in the parking...

Avant Garde

Corrections House saw Sanford Parker (Buried At Sea,) Scott Kelly (Neurosis,) Bruce Lamont (Yakuza) and Mike IX Williams (EyeHateGod) getting together, merging their sonic...

Black Metal

Surachai is one of the most interesting and prolific producers in extreme/experimental music. Through the years he has released albums taking on different forms,...


Some bands pack a punch, and then there is the rare band that is the punch. After 15 years of on and off activity,...

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