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Live Fast Die Old! Watch the MOTÖRHEAD – THE BRONZE ERA Documentary

Leather, Studs, & Motorhead…now it’s time to party until we can’t party no more! This band was one of the many bands that linked the punk kids and metalheads together, not only through their music, but also through their don’t give a fuck attitude. It was Suicidal Tendencies artist Ric Clayton that turned me on to them in 1982 and they just opened up my mind to metal. The other thing that punks respected about Motorhead was their D.I.Y outlook towards things – they might have been on major labels, but they did things their own way. This is one of the bands that set the foundation for speed metal, thrash metal, and hardcore. Check this killer documentary, Motörhead – The Bronze Era, streaming below.

motörhead documentary

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Sentient 51423

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