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Modern Terror: Visual Diary of a Serial Killer or Channeled Captivation?

Snapshot of one of deeper’s cryptic videos

It’s a given that the internet is the best destination for those itching to see some real crazy shit. Though bragging basics and keyboard crusaders are at the forefront of everyone’s favorite scrollable pastime, a deeper dive into the rabbit hole could leave one coming out grasping for clarity, normality and air. An endless trove of wanted and unwanted treasures, YouTube supplies some of the richest content the internet offers. Yet it’s one of its offerings, by way of the mysterious and disturbing account “deeper,” that’s been piquing the interests of like minded creepoids and curious troll hunters around the web.

The makings of a seasoned and tech savvy troll or a serial killer playing a layered game of confession, deeper’s cryptic videos have been sporadically uploading since May of last year. Each video varies in its level of creepiness but aside from their short runtimes their purpose is still fairly ambiguous. A few days after deeper’s YouTube debut, an anonymous post was uploaded in 4chan’s /b/ board forum featuring hex code that once deciphered with an ASCII chart, unveiled fragments of the book War of the Worlds and included a hidden link to deeper’s channel.

Snapshot of 4chan conversations from user stovinchilton

As the coded posts continued to be uploaded onto 4chan, numbered videos were simultaneously uploaded onto YouTube. They have a sort of Blair Witch appeal to them, using first person perspective VHS camera recording. Distorted audio, visuals and more code awaited viewers who found their way to the page. Some of these video clips, when placed onto a spectrogram and given some additional decoding, revealed names.

These names happen to belong to a slew of women who were murdered in Colorado in the 80’s and 90’s. The focus is on young, white women whose cases were never solved. Like Stephanie Ann Bauman, a 15-year-old who was beaten, raped and left for dead. Or Darcy Anderson, a 24-year-old who was found five days after she was reported missing from her Castle Rock home, stuffed inside the trunk of her own vehicle. deeper’s connection to these murders, if any at all, isn’t known.

Some of deeper’s esoteric video clips seem to thematically mimic certain scenarios affiliated with murder scenes, like stringent cleaning up dark liquids, running and stalking. A video titled “d29uZGVyZnVs” was uploaded in October that shows what appears to be a male in a dirty hazmat-like suit scrubbing a blood drenched floor surrounding large, white bins. One of bins starts moving, as if something were to be inside of it. All of this occurs as jovial old-time music plays, making it even more creepy.

The profile’s latest video “64 65 73 6f 6c 61 74 69 6e” was published early in December and shows various cutaway shots of what appears to be the same field spliced together. Remnants of caution tape, tons of stuffed garbage bags and zooming in on specific areas before quickly cutting away to what looks like a dark dungeon room have left many concerned and in wonderment as to whether this is a possible location for one of the murdered corpses. It doesn’t seem like deeper is under any legal investigation but perhaps it should be. What deeper is up to we may never know…and that is terrifying.

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Sentient 51423

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