One of the things that boggles my mind looking at the reality that has forced itself upon us is that people still refer to the system in terms of “politics” and “politicians.” The people who have settled themselves uncomfortably into the U.S. administration (and behind the scenes into arguably all of the Western world’s administrations) are not politicians – they are corporate representatives with deep ties not to the public interest, but to the interest of the money systems that actually run the world. Somehow, Trump’s supporters think they are rooting for a right-wing cowboy, a man with no ties to the New World Order; they’ve been fooled into thinking he is some kind of conservative grassroots activist. In reality, he is the epitome of ruthless capitalism (not to be confused with a “free market”), a man who has committed white collar crime with impunity for decades, who has made shitloads of money off the backs of his own supporters, while ensuring that their rights to life and liberty are kept in check in order to grow his own bottom line. Once again, the brilliant BBC documentarist Adam Curtis has laid out the entire story behind the surreality we see all around us today in his 2016 film HyperNormalization. Curtis doesn’t let any of us, libtard or cuntservative, feel smug in our “correct” worldviews – he places some of the blame on the insular culture and disillusioned apathy that took over an underground that used to have an element of activism. It’s a terrifying thing to watch, but at the same time it makes some sense of all this nonsensical bullshit. Not sure whether I feel depressed or inspired after watching this; maybe both.
Originally written 03/2017. Updated 09/2024.