KLONNS & SOILED HATE have created one of the sickest splits of 2021. Both bands kick out sinister Hardcore jams that make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! Real talk, KLONNS is beyond awesome because their thick sound is laced with a crazy amount of extremely addictive audio chaos! Don’t even get me started on these morbid breakdowns that at times I just want to bury myself in! SOILED HATES’s neck-breaking side will get up all in your skull and push your eyes out of your head. Again, this band’s breakdowns are un-fucking-real. I can’t tell y’all enough that this split is straight fucking fire!!! I want to take this time to send a huge shout-out to our Japanese massive and the DISCIPLINE PRODUCTION crew. I love how this project ends because it only shows that these humans are on some next-level shizz!!!

Fuck the world don’t ask me for shit! All I want to hear right now is the new GOD’S HATE album. This sonic beast is a constant beatdown that never lets up and that’s what makes it so awesome!!!

#8 The Consequence S/T
The Consequence is the BOMB and every second of their self-titled debut tape is a knuckle-dragging Hardcore Punk party and only the real is invited! Their breakdowns are on point and the vocal delivery will have you saying HELL YES!!! The Consequence’s music makes you understand that Hardcore is here to stay and it will only get more urgent!

#7 WORN Human Work
We are beyond fucking stoked to be sharing with y’all the new WORN! Unholy hell, this band is a perfect blend of Hardcore and Punk. They’re a mean sonic wrecking machine that kicks ass. Their new album Human Work is a fucking banger—FACTS.

Hell Yes! The self-titled 7 inch from EXTINGUISH is the MFing BOMB! This creates the kind of angry Hardcore that gets me HYPED. On the real, if this band ever comes to Vancouver our whole family will be in the pit. I’m talking about our 7-year-old daughter with her boxing gloves going for hers alongside her mom’s and 10-year-old sister (and I’ll be there as well). EXTINGUISH’s music is ultra-HEAVY and seething with RAGE that you can’t ignore. Don’t even get me started on their sick fucking breakdowns!

#5 MOVE BHC Freedom Dreams
What are your views on state-sanctioned addiction in the Black and Brown communities in America? Do y’all see how alcohol and drugs are used as a tool of social control against our communities in particular?
I definitely do see it as a form of social control, and we see its origins within American Imperialism as it was choosing to pump drugs into our cities to arm militants as a puppet militia in South America. Then we see the state’s unwillingness to truly treat our people by continuing a diabolical practice of for-profit health care that truly revamped the drug epidemic. I think it’s also the duty of our community to get with harm reduction practices, cause the state will not intervene and we need to as always do the work to liberate our neighbors from unhealthy relationships with substances.
Read the full MOVE BHC interview HERE!

#4 SECTION H8 Welcome To The Nightmare
I love when a band’s album slaps so fucking hard I have it on repeat for days!!! Case and point for the soon-to-be-released album from SECTION H8 entitled Welcome To The Nightmare, due out July 30th via the on-point Flatspot Records. This is way more than just a Hardcore album this is a record that looks to the past but points us to the future at the same time. More than hearing the band’s influences, I can hear and feel SECTION H8’s wins and losses in this thing we call life! Every song is a call to arms to stand the fuck up and take control of your destiny! Hardcore is more than just sound it’s a vibration of inclusion and loyalty that ring’s so true on Welcome To The Nightmare. The songwriting on this album is beyond top-notch and bulldoze any weak heart that dares to enter this sonic world! The vocals delivered Mexi is passionate and in your face from the moment the record starts!

#3 THIRDFACE Do It With A Smile
Miles Davis said, “It’s not the notes you play; it’s the notes you don’t play.”
Claude Debussy said, “Music is the space between the notes.”
On their highly anticipated debut album, Do It With A Smile, Nashville hardcore experimentalists Thirdface have the confidence and the skill to let their bombastic, innovative songs breathe, allowing each musician’s talent to speak for itself without hiding behind any walls of sound. Though a fairly young band–having released their debut EP, a demonstration of righteous aggression, in 2018–they have amassed a fervent fanbase, and this LP more than delivers on the promise of that release.
Thirdface features familiar faces for those who follow the Nashville music scene. Drawing from bands like Donors, Yautja, and Sallow, it’s no wonder that this project has found its very special voice in such a very short time. Vocalist Kathryn Edwards says, “David (Reichley) had written riffs and got Shibby (Poole) and Maddy (Madeira) on board. They fleshed those out and needed a singer. That’s when they asked me and it’s been us since. The main goal is writing face-melting/booty-shaking riffs coupled with all my take-no-shit lyrics.”
By EvanMC

#2 DARE Against All Odds
1. “OC Slam/Violation of Trust”
I wanted to start the record off with an intro song that would hopefully get kids hyped off the bat. I had ideas for the little guitar solos throughout that I would mouth to Alec Riley who played guitar on the record, and he would then translate them into an actual solo which adds a ton to the song.
2. “Violation of Trust”
“Violation of Trust” is a song I think everyone can relate to. The title is self-explanatory and I think with this one being a little heavier sounding it goes hand and hand with the anger and frustration of the lyrics.
Read the full track-by-track feature HERE!

This is how I know TURNSTILE made one of my favorite records of the year with GLOW ON (get it here). I spend all day, most days listening to and reviewing underground music, and like 75% of our record collection falls under the genres of metal and punk and all their subgenres. But when I’m in my car, all I listen to is rap. All I want to hear when I’m driving is Curren$y and Larry June and Juicy J and Travis Scott and maybe some Bino and Blxst. I have a sound system that benefits bass. But something told me to play GLOW ON when it came out a couple of weeks ago and it’s rarely come off my car stereo rotation since.
We listen to their record Time & Space all the time, and it was hard to imagine they could top such a perfect hardcore record. But they did. They’ve brought in a plethora of influences, from 90s alternative rock and punk to new wave and post-punk, all with the sickest hardcore breakdowns woven all throughout. This record makes me happy that I’ve paid attention to music for long enough that the sounds that made my teenage heart sing are evolving into sounds that make me feel like I’m 14 discovering music again. GLOW ON is one of those records where every song is perfect and in its perfect place. The whole record is vital but if I had to pick highlights in no order: “DON’T PLAY,” “MYSTERY,” “HUMANOID/SHAKE IT UP,” “FLY AGAIN,” “WILD WRLD,” and all the other ones. It’s a record I can dance to in the middle of a crowd-killing pit. It’s a record that might replace Time & Space on our turntable for a while but it’ll end up in equal rotation because both of these records are necessary to life. Hey Turnstile, the border’s open now, so we need you up here in Canada.