Bizarre Hollywood and the War Machine: How Blockbusters are Brainwashing Us One of the most important tools modern day human beings need for survival is media literacy, and unfortunately it is left off of almost... Meghan6 days ago
Art Sex, Satanism, Manson, Murder, and LSD: Kenneth Anger Tells His Tale via Flashbak Kenneth Anger told where the bodies were buried in the third issue of Kinokaze Magazine circa 1993. Or so it seemed, as... Sean ReveronNovember 29, 2024
Cvlture Watch the Best Skateboarding Movie of 2022! Thrasher Magazine’s “Grindland” I have been an avid THRASHER Magazine reader since the very first issue! In 2022, I respect their online video presence and the way... Sean ReveronFebruary 8, 2022
Film I Miss Live Shows…So I’ve got to watch this CULT LEADER Full Set CULT LEADER’s “A Patient Man” holds a really special place in my heart. I fucking love the different sonic textures that make up this... Sean ReveronApril 7, 2021
Bizarre A Cult Animated Classic: Malice in Wonderland (1982) Showing Now! Happy Friday…get your tripped the fuck out mind on with the 1982 animated classic Malice in Wonderland below… MeghanMarch 26, 2021
Cvlture The 20 Best Occult Films Movies and dark music go hand in hand. The list of bands who take their inspiration from horror films is legion. Doomsters like Electric... JasonBJanuary 26, 2021
Film Witness The Grindcore Warriors! NASUM “BLASTING SHIT TO BITS”…THE FINAL SHOW Preview Fuck you and your nice little world, because it’s time for some GRIND!!! NASUM is putting out a film called “BLASTING SHIT TO BITS“…THE... Sean ReveronDecember 2, 2020
Bizarre Eat My Shit! A Film About A Girl With a Butthole for a Mouth Most people reading this can sympathize in one way or another – that one feature that irks you, that you wish was fixed but... MeghanAugust 20, 2020