It’s the time of year where I start to get random Christmas cards from co-workers, second cousins, in-laws, and bank employees. Perfectly staged family...
The story of the Ruth Snyder Execution photograph and how “ruthless Ruth” became the subject of the most famous tabloid picture ever taken and the crime that shocked the nation. The room was cold, and the air was palpable as Ruth Snyder walked into...
Everyone dreams, more or less, but few people trust themselves to relate or present their dreams, because they are inhibited from making public their...
When I see the handle @mrs_angemi, (or @mrs anything)I immediately think workout selfies, baby pictures and flowers from doting hubby. I couldn’t be more...
Although poster art is enduring, it used to be the most powerful advertising vehicle there was, especially for performers. Illusionists of the late 19th...
Jealousy drives people to commit some heinous acts. It seems like the need for companionship can make some people crazy, committing acts of violence...