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KATSUMI WATANABE (1941–2006) is one of Japan’s most well known photographers, who primarily took portraits of the women and men who worked and frequented...


Just a couple months after The Empire Strikes Back came out in theatres, the sci fi cosplay fanatics got together for West Coast Science...


As an 80s kid, I have fond memories of the Garbage Pail Kids. They captured the mixture of horror and hilarity every kid found...


NINA LUCA is a photographer based in Switzerland who captures fantastical images of cosplay, and uses her digital art skills to take them even...


The other day we received a message from an artist named Bruna Prazeres whose work pushes the boundaries of pain and beauty. All of...


Lilith is a well-known mythological figure that exists in several forms and through various cultures: Mesopotamian, Christian or Jewish for example. The most common...

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