80s Hardcore Portraits of 80s Teenagers Rooms! Desire, adoration, safety, identity, and escape are all there on a teenager’s bedroom walls. In the 1980s, these teenagers were photographed in their bedrooms... Sean Reveron13 hours ago
Art Find Your Inner Self in the Surreal Outsider Art of THON Almost from birth, human beings are taught to base our perceptions on what we see on the outside of each other. We hold onto... Meghan1 day ago
Art Where Earth and Flesh Collide… Sinister Emanation Art When we die, our soft flesh falls away to reveal the pitted and porous surface of our bones. The skulls drawn by Sinister Emanation... MeghanJanuary 12, 2015
Art Portraits of…Japanese Punk Culture From The ’80s How did I get turned on to 80’s Japanese punk? The xeroxed pages of the early issues of MRR. I will never forget seeing... Sean ReveronJanuary 12, 2015
Art Blood, Piss and Dirt…The 1%ers MC Cuts UC Riverside put on a fascinating exhibition at their ARTSblock facilities last fall, a collection of MC cuts from the 60s and 70s curated... MeghanJanuary 8, 2015
Art Sounds of Two Eyes Opening… Black Flag’s Producer SPOT’s Vintage Photos Of L.A. If I had to pick one Los Angeles label that influenced me the most during the 80’s, I would have to pick SST Records.... Sean ReveronJanuary 7, 2015
Art The Raw and Controversial Story… SKINHEAD: An Archive For better or for worse, the image of the skinhead defines a big part of what many in mass culture see as 1980s UK... MeghanJanuary 7, 2015
Art The Creepy Art of Jeff Simpson It’s the beginning of a new year, so here are some dark paintings by Jeff Simpson to start it off on a dark and... TomJanuary 6, 2015