Mixed Media Enter the Blackened Void Through the Art of BAHRULL MARTA What I love so much about art is how the simplest of images can sometimes convey more meaning and emotion than the most complex... Meghan3 days ago
Mixed Media See the Into the Abyssal Depths of Our Souls… ALEX ECKMAN-LAWN “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Such a deceptively simple phrase, one I was trying to explain to my daughter the other day.... MeghanJanuary 24, 2025
Cvlture Overflowing with Wonder and Terror… Lovecraft Bar in NYC Have you ever wanted to travel to a place that is “overflowing with wonder and terror”? At 50 Avenue B in Manhattan, Lovecraft Bar... MeghanAugust 11, 2014
Mixed Media Invocation of My Demon Brother by Kenneth Anger Now Showing! Check this out: it’s time to get weird! Kenneth Anger’s film Invocation of My Demon Brother. http://youtu.be/SzO8uZCdODU Sean ReveronAugust 6, 2014
Art Denim-Stud-Leather! Battle Jackets GALORE! So what happens when art and devotion collides? You get battle jackets and battle vests. I have three different ones, because I collect band... Sean ReveronAugust 1, 2014
Art Sick In The Fucking Head Premiere…THE WHORE CHURCH Video Mixtape Now Showing! Words can not describe what you are about to witness; just press play and step in to the bugged out world called THE WHORE... Sean ReveronJune 12, 2014
Art The Most Controversial Works of…Performance ART! via Dazed Digital When it comes to performance art, the odds are that whatever the work it will likely be controversial in some shape... Sean ReveronJune 12, 2014
Graphic Design Company of Shadows… Debut Art Book from Paul Gerrard With my sadness over the recent passing of H.R. Giger, it seemed only appropriate when one of my other favorite conceptual horror artists, Paul... MeghanMay 28, 2014