Black Metal Shataan…War Cry Lament Review Spawned from the depth’s of LA’s Black Twilight Circle, Shataan’s War Cry Lament highlights what the BTC does right; crafting truly alien soundscapes through... RyanJuly 5, 2011
Cvlture Will the Underground take a stand against Hate?Homegrown Hate: The War Among Us Documentary Homegrown Hate: The War Among Us is a new documentary that we all need to watch. As an African American man who takes up... Sean ReveronJune 16, 1953
Bizarre The Grisly, Perverse Crimes of Gordon Stewart Northcott While many serial killers climb their way to infamy and even achieve reverence by a twisted base, many killers drift away into the annals... Dan AckermanNovember 11, 0221