Featured UnFuckingReal FREE! 20 Track A389 MMXI Anniversary Bash Soundtarck If I could be, I would be at theA389 MMXI Anniversary Bash from Jan. 15th to the 17th! So many kick ass bands are... Sean ReveronJanuary 6, 2015
Art Portraits of…Estonian Punk Culture From The ’80s The power of strong youth movements is unreal and almost can not be put into words. Without the internet or social media, Punk Rock... Sean ReveronJanuary 6, 2015
Featured CVLT Nation Video Premiere: VON’s “Invasion” Slow-moving black death has come early this year in the form of the new VON song “Invasion.” The title of the track is very... Sean ReveronJanuary 5, 2015
Featured Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: ABSTRACTER “Lightless” It’s the first week of 2015, but while listening to the new ABSTRACTER album Wound Empire I found myself thinking of the last days.... Sean ReveronJanuary 5, 2015
Doom Seeing RED! BLOOD FARMERS Headless Eyes Review + Stream Review Written by Robert of SIEGE Label: Patac Records In an alternate universe of proper 70’s-culture-worship sanity, BLOOD FARMERS Headless Eyes title cut woulda... Sean ReveronJanuary 5, 2015
Art Cynthia Connolly’s Postcards of D.C. Punks and Their Rides circa 1994 When I think of entertainers flossin’ with their rides, I think of rappers standing in front of their pimped out whips. So when I... Sean ReveronJanuary 5, 2015