Featured Best Post-Punk Demo We Have Heard This Week! FLOWERS & FIRE Full Streaming Now! There must be something in the mountain sky or seawater, because the Northwest produces unreal post punk bands. Especially the city I now call... Sean ReveronMarch 3, 2015
Death Metal Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: KALIYA “The Exiled” KALIYA fucking rule HARD!!! This Tuesday, March 3rd, is your chance to pick up their self-titled album…From what I have heard, these Texas rage... Sean ReveronMarch 2, 2015
Featured CVLT Nation Streaming: VALVE “APNEE” Poutrage Records, Dingleberry Records, Opposing Music, Itai Itai Records, Fall Into Void Records, Old Town Bicyclette Records – what do all of these labels... Sean ReveronMarch 2, 2015
Featured R.I.H. Rest In Heavy: INDIAN Is Over One of the first bands to believe in our vision at CVLT Nation was INDIAN, and today we are here to tell you that... Sean ReveronMarch 2, 2015
Doom Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: Shroud Eater “Face The Master” SHROUD Mother Fucking EATER are back with a new two song EP entitled Face The Master, and they prove that they can bring the... Sean ReveronFebruary 27, 2015
Avant Garde 5-Way Split Streaming: Hadals/Japanese Women/Pleasuredome/Pornography/Settlement So what happens when a highly bugged out label decides to release a 5-way split? The end result is what I’m listening to now,... Sean ReveronFebruary 27, 2015