Featured CVLT Nation Premiere: GRIME “Verge of Wrath” What’s for dinner? I’m in the mood for some southern chicken-fried sludge covered in putrid riff gravy! Plus I want a HUGE side of filthy,... Sean ReveronAugust 21, 2015
Doom CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming AHAB “The Boats of The Glen Carrig” Beautiful audio magic that will enchant you with majestic heaviness…only begins to describe the new AHAB album entitled The Boats of The Glen Carrig... Sean ReveronAugust 21, 2015
Doom The Lords of the Riff! PENTAGRAM 1983 full set Now this is just fucking classic – peep this 1983 PENTAGRAM full set…Get DOOMED motherfuckers!!! Sean ReveronAugust 21, 2015
Art The Polaroids of Dash Snow Today I watched a video that made me think of my old homie Dash Snow and all of the fun nights we had together.... Sean ReveronAugust 21, 2015
Art Portraits Of…Euro Goth Culture 2015 Goth means different things to different people…In the 80’s, the term was a part of the hardcore community, used to describe the way women... Sean ReveronAugust 21, 2015
Black Metal CVLT Nation Premiere: THIS GIFT IS A CURSE “Swinelord” Unholy HELL, there is a sonic beast war going on in my eardrums, and it’s being caused by THIS GIFT IS A CURSE’s new... Sean ReveronAugust 20, 2015