Doom CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming SPACE BONG “Burnt By Time” How do I like my doom riffs? Sticky with hate and filthy with smoke! That way they cause my brain to expand into dark places... Sean ReveronOctober 6, 2015
Doom CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming OWL “The Abyss” Right now I feel like I’m up to my neck in quicksand and I am sinking to my death. Maybe I’m being choked out... Sean ReveronOctober 5, 2015
Art What London Punks Had To Say 5 Years After 1977 One of the most iconic Punk comps to come out in the early 80’s was Punk & Disorderly. What drew me and many others to this record... Sean ReveronOctober 5, 2015
Art New PsychoEgyptian Video Venom PsychoEgyptian is the BLACK TEETH DON GARGON I can not get enough of…Check out his new visual for his tune “Venom” below, and also peep... Sean ReveronOctober 2, 2015
Art Post-Apocalyptic Cos-Play to the Next Level… Mad Max Fans Recreate The Thunderdome I know when the first Mad Max movie came out, I went apeshit because I had never seen anything like it! Now decades later... Sean ReveronOctober 2, 2015
80s Hardcore CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming HELTA SKELTA “Modern Lover” Some bands play that kind of punk that makes you want to get up and dance, and HELTA SKELTA is one of these kind of bands.... Sean ReveronOctober 1, 2015