Electronic Plug Your Reality into The NEO INDUSTRIAL Soundscapes of HEALTH’s ‘Rat Wars’ No other band does it like HEALTH — and that’s a big fucking FACT! Their soon-to-be-released album Rat Wars is a perfect balance between... Sean ReveronNovember 21, 2023
Death Metal Witness the Reek Of Putrefaction…CARCASS Live 1994 Do I really have to write a lot about this video? Hell fucking NO. You guys recognize classic gnarly material when you see it,... Sean ReveronNovember 21, 2023
Black Metal Too Real for Fantasy: Experience RAGANA ‘Desolation’s Flower’ Real life is loving my children and my best friend who also is my wife. Real life is helping my daughter with spelling tests... Sean ReveronNovember 16, 2023
Trip Hop Say Hello to ‘Lucian & Caroline,’ a Magical LP Created by SAGITTAIRE What time is it? It’s time to turn y’all on to Sagittaire (a.k.a. Ivan Mairesse) and his new album Lucian & Caroline which I’m... Sean ReveronNovember 16, 2023
Avant Garde Experience the Fractured Light & Heavy Majesty of SPACE AFRIKA & RAINY MILLER ‘A Grisaille Wedding’ I never overstood the sounds of the UK until I lived in the UK. I never knew the ghost of the UK until I... Sean ReveronNovember 15, 2023
shoegaze My Love Letter to the Unreal Shoegaze Band LACING: Farewell and Rest Easy In Feedback! This is my farewell letter to the unreal Shoegaze band Lacing, who after 7 years are no more! That being said, we have their... Sean ReveronNovember 15, 2023